Weekly Picks

Yandere Simulator

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It is always unpleasant, when the love of your life pays no attention to you. You need to prove him that you are his true significant other, even if it means committing some crimes. After all, you do it for your loved one.

In Yandere Simulator you will play a school girl who wants to draw the attention of her sempai to her. You have a range of rivals, who you should annihilate as secretly as possible. Each inappropriate action will make your reputation worse. This will make interactions with your schoolmates more difficult. Besides, if somebody sees you murdering another student, this person will immediately report it to the police. So be careful and try to plan your assaults thoroughly!

To achieve your goal, take quests from the students and improve the relationships with them. And you should not forget about the lessons! Attend the lessons and join any club to gain some skills or objects.