Weekly Picks

Back Alley Tales

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Do you like detective spy games but want some spice to it? Then you definitely should check Back Alley Tales out. The 2D animated pixel graphics is visually pleasing and the sound effects are nicely combined with it. Needless to say, the female characters, which are the main feature of the title, are more than appealing.

In this project, you are going to play for a security guard, who accidently finds out about some criminal affairs. Would you like to investigate them? Or maybe you prefer to watch the story uninterrupted? The choice is up to you!

Bring to light the mysteries hidden in the dark

The setup of the narrative is quite simple and trivial. The main hero becomes a security guard in a small town. Now he is in charge of cameras placed in the different spots around the facility. Mostly, they are directed at dark alleys, where you don’t want to find yourself at night. This job seems to him pretty dull, so he decides to look through the camera footage from the night hours. The things he saw were shocking and terrible. That is how you dive into the world of crimes, assaults and cruelty. Little by little, you will uncover the secrets of the night streets.

During your shifts, you will be able to keep an eye on four women. Each of them has a different storyline and you may affect their fate by choosing various options. Your choice will influence the sequence of events and you will come up with a unique set of events. Don’t forget to switch between the cameras, so that you don’t miss anything interesting!

Diverse locations are here for you to inspect. Examine them carefully and interact with the objects to channel the story where you want it to go. You never know what things will come in useful when the nightfall comes to the town. However, you will need to use your whole detective potential to research all the aspects. Try different combinations to achieve a new branch of the plot.

Put together this puzzle and you may find a captivating drama is happening right there. On your way you will witness a lot of crimes and injustices, some of them being so horrible, you wish you never had seen them. Even your co-workers are involved in them. Luckily, you can always intrude and prevent violation. But hurry up, because it may be too late!

Will you become the arbiter of fates and bring justice to this corrupt town? Would you rather become a passive spectator and let the story flow as it is? Play Back Alley Tales and make your final decision!